segunda-feira, junho 18, 2007

Wargames Journal: De Volta as Raizes

A revista Wargames Journal volta às suas raízes, deixando a publicação bimensal em papel para voltar a um formato PDF, disponível para download gratuito.

We have some very exciting news here at Wargames Journal.

You may know that our heritage is as an on-line resource for Wargamers all over the world and each issue of our downloadable version of Wargames Journal was typically downloaded over 20,000 times. We moved to a print magazine almost a year ago and although that’s also proved to be extremely popular, we still get lots and lots of requests for a downloadable magazine.

We have therefore decided to go back to our roots and revert to publishing a downloadable PDF magazine which will be free of charge.

We are now in the process of contacting all our subscribers and arranging refunds for issues they have paid for, but will now be available to download free of charge. We’re also contacted advertisers because the reduced cost of producing an online magazine means that we can reduce our advertising rates as well. If you’re a subscriber or an advertiser – or would like to be an advertiser – and have any queries, please contact

Rest assured, the magazine will still be full colour A4 size and still include the rich content that is there today We look forward to providing all the exciting features you love, but making them free of charge again.

All the best,
Neil Fawcett

1 comentário:

Unknown disse...


chamem-me antiquado, mas gostava mais da versão em papel!
de momento era a minha publicação favorita... aproveito e junto os trocos para outras coisas!