sábado, junho 02, 2007

Signs & Portents Wargamer 45

A Mongoose Publishing publicou no inicio do mês de Junho o número 45 da Signs & Portents Wargamer, a sua revista gratuita (formato PDF) sobre wargaming, orientada para a sua linha de produtos, claro.

Este número tem o seguinte conteúdo:

A bit of a Babylon 5 special this month, with two new scenarios for A Call to Arms, new League ships, and an article on scratchbuilding Soul Hunters and using them in your games.

As well as that, we have a superb battle report for Battlefield Evolution, featuring the SAS, and another for Mighty Armies.

More secrets of the Forth are unveiled for Starship Troopers Evolution, we continue our trek into the Cursed Earth with Gangs of Mega-City One, and conclude the Zapasnovan War campaign for Battlefield Evolution, meaning you can now play the whole thing back to back!

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