segunda-feira, abril 25, 2005

Shadows Over Camelot

Novo jogo de tabuleiro da Days Of Wonder - Shadows Over Camelot

Shadows Over Camelot is a unique collaborative game featuring a malevolent twist! As the incarnation of the Knights of the Round Table, players work together to defeat the forces closing in on Camelot. But players must be vigilant for a traitor in their midst who is biding his time – secretly sowing the seeds of havoc and destruction. Yet too much suspicion will undermine the knights' efforts to protect the kingdom.

In most games, players compete against each other to achieve victory. Shadows over Camelot proposes a journey of a very different kind, where you and your fellow players, as Knights of the Round Table, will collaborate to jointly defeat... the game!

By Serge Laget & Bruno Cathala
For 3 - 7 players
Coming to a reseller near you in June 2005!

Chamou-me a atenção pelo facto deste jogo prioridade no calendário para 2005 da DoW, relativamente às novas expansões para o Memoir'44...

Será que vamos ser presenteados como um novo jogo ao nivel de um Memoir'44?

Imagens do imenso terreno de jogo usado como prototipo de desenvolvimento:

user posted image

Uma excelente preview do Shadows Over Camelot @ GameFest... o jogo decididamente promete...

Mais algumas imagens...
(click para maior resolução)

Os vários tabuleiros de jogo (sim, os vários):

user posted image

As miniaturas dos Cavaleiros:

user posted image

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